
Create a healthier and more eco-friendly home for you and your family - take advantage of Eco-Coach residential services today.

Contact us today for a FREE consultation.
Environmental sustainability
Residential Services
Home Eco-Audits
What actions can you take to make your home greener and healthier?

Our indoor air is more polluted than the outdoors, and can thus impact our health and well-being. In addition, the actions we take within our home impact the environment, from the chemicals we pour down the drain to the garbage that we throw out into the landfills. Eco-consultations are especially relevant if you have young children or individuals with allergies, asthma, or chemical sensitivities living with you.

Consultations consist of an initial assessment of your goals, a detailed room-by-room walk-through, and a list of actionable steps you can take to improve the air quality of your house, make it more energy-efficient, and environmentally sustainable. You will come away with an understanding of what causes pollution in your home and what you can do to prevent it in the short term and long term, as well as with resources that you can go to for more information.

* Currently available only in the Washington DC metropolitan area.

Note: We are currently also offering a Home Eco-Scorecard, for those who are not in the DC area or who do not have time for a full home eco-audit. Learn more about it here.


Green Living Workshops
How do my actions indoors affect my children? What additional steps can I take aside front the ones I am already taking to make my life 'greener'?

The goal of the green living workshops is to provide additional information, tools and resources to help you live a greener lifestyle and make your indoor spaces healthier, more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. This can mean either small changes to the way you currently live or large changes, depending on your readiness and interest.

Workshops are customized based on the group and desired topics to be covered. An example is a workshop that Eco-Coach holds for mothers, where the emphasis is on steps they could take to minimize the pollution in their home so as to decrease their children's allergic reactions. Another workshop is focused on individuals who have already taken the basic steps but would like to see what else they can do in certain areas.


Green Home Renovations
What material should I use for my flooring? What about my countertop?

Renovating a home or putting in an addition can take a lot of time and money. Not only do you need to identify contractors and design the lay-out, but also research materials within your price range and the desired aesthetics. Some materials, however, are more durable and environmentally-friendly than others. They are also better for the health of the occupants, in that the adhesives do not off-gas chemicals into the air.

We will work with you and others as needed (ex: interior designer, architect) to determine the best eco-friendly materials for your project. This may include items that are salvages and/or antique as well as more modern materials made from recycled or renewable resources.


Green Living Concierge' Service
What kind of cooking pan is safest? Which type of air filter is best for my home?

Do you have questions about the indoor air quality of your home or how to make it more 'green'? Don't have time to do the research or haven't been able to easily find an answer? If so, we can help. We will do the research for you and provide you with a concise summary in a short amount of time.

We offer different packages based on your needs, ranging from a limited number of questions per month to unlimited calls and email support.


On-Going 'Green' Coaching
Can you help me make sure that I make these changes into habits and don't revert back to my old ways?

Just like exercising or switching careers, making changes to your home can be a process that takes time and may require on-going support from someone from the outside. We will provide you with either three or six months of coaching, during which we will meet on a periodic basis to assess your progress, provide support, and answer your questions.
